Get paid faster with a payment gateway

Did you know
Xero customers who use online invoice payments get paid up to twice as fast compared to those who don’t.
Whoa, twice as fast!
What are you going to do about it??

See your options in the xero app store.

Need more convincing?
– Connect App(s) in Xero to add a ‘Pay now’ button, making it fast & easy for your clients to pay – at a time that suits them (like while they are sitting on the lounge pretending to watch TV).
– No sign-up or monthly charges, just low fees charged per successful transaction. No handset, so no handset rental to pay. Add as many gateway options as you like to give your customers the ability to use their favourite payment method.
– Invoices are automatically marked as paid in Xero – no need to manually add payments to invoices (decrease the risk of chasing customers who aren’t in arrears).
– No gadget to secure or service – tech support won’t need to come to you if something goes wrong, it all gets handled by the app in the background.

Need help to narrow down the 50+ options?

Accept debit card, credit card, and ApplePay payments from customers online in 50+ currencies across 170+ countries and bypass foreign transaction fees.

Payrix (formerly IntegraPay)
Automated invoice payments and reconciliation from Payrix. This is one of the few add-ons globally to automate repeating invoice payments. Payrix’s add-on for Xero (currently available with their Payrix Integrated package) is a fast and simple way to collect payments for both repeating and single invoices, with a wide choice of acceptance options including credit and debit card, BPAY and bank debit. Bank reconciliation is automated, meaning matching bank accounts and Xero transactions has never been quicker or easier.

Stripe By Xero
Accept direct debit, credit card, Apple Pay, and Google Pay payments online and get paid up to twice as fast when using Stripe in Xero. You can also set recurring payments for repeat customers with auto pay* to turn always-late into on-time payers.

End late payments. Automatically debit your customer’s bank account whenever your Xero invoices are due. Lower-cost alternative to card payments.

As with any finance app, make sure you review terms and conditions to select the service that is right for you and your business.
Although Xero reviews each app in the Xero App Store, they can’t give any guarantees. It’s up to you to assess the performance, quality and suitability of any app before going ahead.

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