Global Bookkeeping Week 2023

Have you ever thought about what might be involved in a week for your bookkeeper?

We started our week with our monthly coffee club for local bookkeepers. We regularly swap notes with our peers about changes to the regulations and how to support our clients even better.
Prepare invoices for clients so they can get more money in the door!
On to a team meeting to make sure we are on track to meet deadlines for our clients and prioritise our week.
Reconcile transactions for clients.
Then prepare a BAS or two for lodgement.

Tuesday involved more socialising with our friendly competitors.
Process bills and expenses for our clients to make sure they have accurate info about their business costs.
Preparing for Christmas – sharing important tax info with our clients so they don’t get nasty surprises from the tax man.
We even squeezed in sending reports to clients so they know how they are tracking on their jobs.


Wage processing for clients – its important that their team get paid on time!
Break up the day with a webinar to keep up the CPE requirements.
And battle a few tech issues (who needs internet when you work online?!)
Discuss and recommend apps to assist clients ‘streamline’ their processes and improve cashflow.
Reconcile GST and prepare another BAS.

Complete ATO paperwork for a new client, review their processes and discuss issues uncovered.
Ensure super is being paid on behalf of employees.
Throw in another webinar to breakup the day
Client phone support to ensure correct reports are supplied for insurance purposes.
More wage processing.

Email support for a client to ensure their customer has all outstanding invoices, so they can get paid!
Yet more payroll processing.
Prepare bills for payment so our clients don’t get hit with stop credit.
The rest of the day will involve processing client transactions and an afternoon tea break before heading clocking off for the weekend.

#RaiseACup with your hardworking bookkeeper as you chat about your small business.

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