Preparedness Month

Just like a scout, are you prepared for anything?

The past few years have shown us that anything can happen – expect the unexpected!
How do you prepare your small business for the unexpected?

Our advice would be:
-keep your financials up to date – that way you are ready to apply for grants and funding quickly, without adding more stress to a difficult situation.
-make sure employee leave records are maintained. if you suddenly have nothing to do, you know how much leave everyone has available.
-have ‘oh shit’ funds available. If you an squirrel away some cash in a savings account to cover your next BAS, a month or more of wages and leave entitlements you’ll feel a lot more in control if stuff hits the fan.
-have experts in your corner. Most or all of the grants on offer recently have required a letter from a tax or BAS agent, having one you like and trust on your team who is familiar with you and your business will make the request quicker and easier.

What do you keep in your rucksack for emergencies?

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